Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shut Up and Scrap!

So I would consider myself to be fairly new to the scrapbooking world. I have been doing it now for about 4 years and although I have learned so much, I still feel like there is so much more to learn. I don't think it's a bad thing to want to learn but I wander if the attitude is keeping me from going further with my craft. Like opening an Etsy or creating this blog. Both scare me to death. I just don't want to put out something that looks like it was made at recess in Romper Room.  I tend to think there is still too much for me to learn and if I try to put something out, it would just prove me right.
Right underneath that is the nagging voice that says I'm not good enough. That one is a real buzz kill for me. I see other people's work and think 'my Gosh, that's wonderful. I could never make anything like that'. I do make some things that are nice though so why can't I just focus on that? Why do I always focus on what I don't know or what I lack? It would seem I am my own worst enemy. I would do a lot better if I could just get out of my own way. I would like to tell myself shut up today. Today I have a free pass to be as creative as I want to be. Today I have a pass to be free of self-judgement. Today I know enough. Today I'm good enough!

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